Jacob Hardy is a native to St Augustine and has been fishing here his whole life, he fishes many of the same spots he fished as a kid with his father. His knowledge of St Augustine, both on and off the water, is valuable to all of his guests.

He is experienced fishing inshore and offshore in Florida, The Bahamas, and Central America. He holds a USCG 100T Master license along with a STCW, Fire Fighting, Towing, and Advanced First-Aid Endorsement.

He graduated from University of North Florida in 2017 and has pursued a full-time life on the water since.

Guy Harvey Pro Team Jacob Hardy

Questions and answers with Guide Pro Jacob Hardy

Q: What is your favorite fish to target?

A: Favorite fish to catch inshore is Black Drum, Offshore is Sailfish.

Q: What is your favorite place to eat in St Augustine?

A: Favorite place to eat in St Augustine is the St Augustine Fish Camp.

Q: If you only had one lure and you HAD to catch a fish, what would it be?

A: One lure that I would have no doubt in is a FishBites Fight Club Dirty Boxer curly tail.

Q: What is your favorite thing to do when not fishing?

A: My favorite thing to do when not fishing is hunting deer and various birds.

Q: If you could take anyone in the world on a charter, who would it be?

A: If I could take anyone on a charter, it would be Peyton Manning.

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